“Together for Life” (TFL) association is a not-for-profit organization, established in late 2009 as an initiative of a group of reputable journalists, focusing on the development and empowerment of people. TFL has gained reputation as the first and most prominent organization dealing in human rights in the country.
TFL mission: 
Working with people and communities to promote a just and equitable society that guarantees their rights and realization.
TFL vision: 
A society in which people can enjoy their rights, are valued and treated equally and where they can participate fully to realize their full social, economic and cultural potential.
Together for Life is leader in online resources creation because its staff has a long experience in journalism. It uses innovative approaches customized to the target audience in an easy, understandable and attractive way. The team is equipped with staff & know-how about how to promote the activities/results and maximize the impact of a project and to use the right dissemination channels to reach the target groups, relevant stakeholders, policymakers and the general public.
Comparative Advantages
– TFL’s reputation and visibility. A lead organization working in the media sector as a promoter of human rights, increased transparency and efficiency, and increase public debate for greater accountability.
– TFL’s access to media and effective communication tools. The organization has built several online and visual media channels and platforms to inform and educate the public on issues related to human rights, empowerment of youth and women, and more.
– TFL has a wide network of contact points in the country and several institutions, established through successful collaborations.
– The organization’s ability to reach out to stakeholders and policy institutions, influencers and key actors.
– The organization’s track record of high community engagement in initiatives with the aim to mobilize, inform and educate citizens.
– TFL’s efficiency in implementation of complex small- and large-scale projects, studies, surveys and media initiatives.
– TFLs experience in being a pioneer organization to address delicate issues and change mentalities and processes.
– Organization’s staff committed to the organization’s goals and mission, and shown professionalism in implementing activities.