Montenegrin Science Promotion Foundation ‘Prona’, founded in 2004, is the first Montenegrin independent non-profit non-governmental organization dedicated to extracurricular, informal science education, science promotion, and cultural exchange. Prona is also a leading think-tank for research and innovation policy in Montenegro. The long-term vision of Prona is Montenegro as a knowledge- based society and sustainable ecological state, while the mission is to set out a single, integrated, efficient national innovative system for generating, dissemination, and the application of scientific and technological knowledge.
The PRONA’s aims include
– Promotion of initiatives of strategic importance;
– The popularization of science;
– International culture exchange;
– The promotion of young researchers and talented students;
– Improving science-related information via various media;
– Organizing expert and popular seminars, scientific conferences, tribunes, and lectures;
– Participating in international scientific initiatives;
– Encouraging cooperation with the Diaspora;
– Encourage technological development;
– Exchange of trainees, in more than 80 countries;
– Empowering ecological, biotechnological and medical developmental projects;
– Implementing other activities of interest for social development in Montenegro.